# Introduction A set of tools to view E3SM data on native grids Currently supports neX and MPAS native grids. NE120 and NE30 are automatically detected, MPAS need to pass grid file as well. Other NEX need to associate the grid file (or a previously generated mesh file). Mesh generation for NEX is quite time consuming, but only needs to be done once. ## Installing Support for both OSX and Linux and both Python 2.7 or Python 3.6 to add to an existing environment ``` conda install -c conda-forge -c cdat e3sm_nex ``` To create a self-contained env: ``` conda create -n e3sm_view -c conda-forge -c cdat ``` ## e3sm_view tool ### Quick example #### NE30 `e3sm_view -i ne30_TS.nc -v TS` #### NEx (or to force grid generation) `e3sm_view -i ne120_TS.nc --grid=ne30np4_latlon.091226.nc` #### MPAS `e3sm_view -i ocean.oEC60to30v3.scrip.161222.nc --grid=ocean.oEC60to30v3.scrip.161222.nc -v grid_area` ### Usage As of `0.0.2` the following options are available: ``` e3sm_view --help ``` ``` usage: e3sm_view [-h] [-p PARAMETERS] [-d OTHER_PARAMETERS [OTHER_PARAMETERS ...]] [-n NUM_WORKERS] [--scheduler_addr SCHEDULER_ADDR] [--granulate GRANULATE [GRANULATE ...]] [-M MESH] [-m MESH_VARIABLE] [-v VARIABLE] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-g GRID] [--grid_type {nex,mpas}] [-e ELEMENT_CORNERS] [--longitude_corners LONGITUDE_CORNERS] [--latitude_corners LATITUDE_CORNERS] [-l LATS_VARIABLE] [-L LONS_VARIABLE] [--lon1 LON1] [--lon2 LON2] [--lat1 LAT1] [--lat2 LAT2] [--time_index TIME_INDEX] [--level_index LEVEL_INDEX] [--show_mesh] [--missing_color] [--levels LEVELS] [--colors COLORS] [--output_type {screen,s,png,pdf,postscript,nc}] [--output OUTPUT] [--geometry GEOMETRY] [-c COLORMAP] [-C] [-P {default,lambert,robinson,mollweide,polar,orthographic}] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PARAMETERS, --parameters PARAMETERS Path to the user-defined parameter file. (default: None) -d OTHER_PARAMETERS [OTHER_PARAMETERS ...], --diags OTHER_PARAMETERS [OTHER_PARAMETERS ...] Path to the other user-defined parameter file. (default: []) -n NUM_WORKERS, --num_workers NUM_WORKERS Number of workers, used when running with multiprocessing or in distributed mode. (default: None) --scheduler_addr SCHEDULER_ADDR Address of the scheduler in the form of IP_ADDRESS:PORT. Used when running in distributed mode. (default: None) --granulate GRANULATE [GRANULATE ...] A list of variables to granulate. (default: None) -M MESH, --mesh MESH mesh file either for input or for file where mesh info will be stored once generated. We try to detect ne120 and ne30, for which mesh files are provided (default: None) -m MESH_VARIABLE, --mesh_variable MESH_VARIABLE variable containing mesh (in mesh file) (default: mesh) -v VARIABLE, --variable VARIABLE variable to view (default: None) -i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE file containing variable to view (default: None) -g GRID, --grid GRID e3sm grid file (default: None) --grid_type {nex,mpas} Grid file type nex (nex-like i.e element_corners) or mpas (mpas like grid_corners) (default: None) -e ELEMENT_CORNERS, --element_corners ELEMENT_CORNERS variable containing element_corners in grid file (default: None) --longitude_corners LONGITUDE_CORNERS variable containing longitude corners in grid file (default: None) --latitude_corners LATITUDE_CORNERS variable containing latitude corners in grid file (default: None) -l LATS_VARIABLE, --lats_variable LATS_VARIABLE variable containing latitudes in grid file (default: None) -L LONS_VARIABLE, --lons_variable LONS_VARIABLE variable containing longitudes in grid file (default: None) --lon1 LON1 first longitude (default: 0.0) --lon2 LON2 last longitude (default: 360.0) --lat1 LAT1 first latitude (default: -90.0) --lat2 LAT2 last latitude (default: 90.0) --time_index TIME_INDEX time index to plot (default: 0) --level_index LEVEL_INDEX leve index to plot (default: 0) --show_mesh draw the mesh on plot (default: False) --missing_color color of missing values on plot (default: lightgrey) --levels LEVELS levels to use (default: None) --colors COLORS color indices to use (default: None) --output_type {screen,s,png,pdf,postscript,nc} output type (default: screen) --output OUTPUT output file name (default: None) --geometry GEOMETRY geometry for output (default: 800x600) -c COLORMAP, --colormap COLORMAP colormap to use (default: viridis) -C, --cleanup_data apply quick cleanup on data where abs value is > 1.e20 (default: False) -P {default,lambert,robinson,mollweide,polar,orthographic}, --projection {default,lambert,robinson,mollweide,polar,orthographic} projection type (default: default) ```